KMH Fleet Solutions ∙ Leading Rack & Storage Provider

We design and install the most effective industrial racks available. From pallet racks to drive-in racks, our customers receive the best service and most productive warehouse rack applications available. When your warehouse or distribution center needs industrial racks, we can help you find the best solution at the best prices!

Please use the contact form to the right to contact us for quotes and any questions you may have.
Pallet Rack

Pallet Rack

Your rack can be the workhorse of your storage system, efficiently storing hundreds of pallets of varied load characteristics. We ship pallet rack fast, design efficiently, and install. Contact us now so we can get started in helping you design & develop the most efficient racking system your company needs! View some of our different solutions below…

Double Deep Pallet Rack

Double Deep Rack

Double Deep Racking offers many companies a cost effective method of bulk storage without substantially reducing access. Specially-designed forklift trucks with a variety of double reach mechanisms, allow easy placement of loads in racks. Pallets are stored two-deep, cutting the number of access aisles by about half in any given area…

Cantilever Rack

Cantilever Rack

Ideal where ‘open face’ entry is needed. A free standing storage system with load bearing arms extending from vertical columns. This design allows for instant access to one piece or a full load and can be adapted for light to heavy loads. Modular construction for any type of commodity and a practically unlimited load range…

Gravity Flow Rack

Gravity Flow Rack

Gravity Flow Rack systems accommodate everything from the fastest-movers to slow movers to odd-shaped cases, cartons, bins, or merchandise. You can store the same amount in half the space required by static shelving or racks and have first-in, first-out carton or tote access…

Push Back Pallet Rack

Push Back Pallet Rack

Push Back Racking provides high-density storage where pallets are stored 2, 3 & 4 deep. Using a forklift, pallets are pushed back on inclined rails mounted inside the racking structure. As a pallet is withdrawn, the pallet behind automatically slides to the front position…

Drive In Pallet Rack

Drive-In Pallet Rack

Drive-In Rack is the lowest cost and most popular form of high density storage. It can be serviced by a variety of forklift configurations including counter-balance and reach trucks. Pallets are stored in deep lanes on uniquely designed tapered “pallet runners” that assist drivers to accurately position their load…